mail in electronics recycling 2022

How to Recycle Electronics With Mail in Recycling

Did you know that we throw away more than 50 million tons of electronics each year? With so many variations of iPhones and Androids coming out annually, it can be easy to lose sight of how much electronics go to waste.

But what if we wanted a more sustainable way to get rid of our old devices? Can we actually recycle our e-waste?

The short answer is: yes! Through mail-in recycling, you can recycle electronics in a smart and efficient way. Read on to find out more about how you can recycle electronics with mail-in recycling.

Why Recycle Electronics?

You might be wondering why you should go through the hassle of mailing in your electronics in the first place. The truth is that electronics are often made from valuable resources like metals, plastics, and glass.

These resources are hard to source and manufacture. By recycling them, they can be cycled back to making newer devices, thus saving money and conserving the environment.

It even goes back to your families and homes, as recycling one million laptops can save energy that’s equivalent to powering over 3,500 U.S. homes every year. Talk about conservation!

How to Recycle Electronics

When going through the process of recycling electronics, there are a few checkpoints you need to meet to do it right. While it’s a relatively easy process, we should go over those points to make sure you’re good to go:

Check Your Used Electronics

Before you decide to send in your electronics, you first need to make sure they’re ready for the road, or if they should be sent in at all. Is your laptop or computer broken, or does it just need to be updated?

If your device is too far gone from repairs, make sure you delete any personal information. Also, remove any batteries from those devices since they need to be recycled separately.

After that, start searching for where to recycle electronics. There should be plenty of firms that offer mail-in recycling.

Order a Kit

After you’ve found a reliable recycling company, order a kit from them for your electronics. These kits allow you to safely pack your electronics so that they don’t get damaged on the way and are properly recycled.

If you’re wondering why there are some fees associated with your recycling kits, know that recycling lights and electronics often come with a fee no matter what. This is to safely process and dangerous chemicals or materials.

Pack Your Devices

When you order a kit, it should come with detailed instructions on how to properly pack your electronics. Follow those guidelines and make sure everything’s in order before mailing.

Ship Them Away

You can now send your devices away by taking them to a post office or by calling FedEx to pick them up. Most kits should come with a return label from the vendor itself, making it easy to just ship your package.

Understanding How to Recycle Electronics

When you want to recycle electronics, you have to make sure you’re doing it according to the books. Use this guide to help you understand how you can leverage recycling companies to help you recycle your devices today!

Looking to recycle your lamps, batteries, and other electronics? Contact us today and we can provide a quote that fits your needs!


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