Everything has a battery.
Phones, watches, cameras, even suitcases all seem to come with something removable.
So what do you do with these batteries once they’re dead?
Throwing them away is wasteful and bad for the environment but often they can’t be tossed in with your regular recycling.
Keep reading to learn how battery recycling works and how you can get started today.
Why You Should Recycle Batteries
Batteries contain rare earth elements and non-renewable resources such as lead, cadmium, nickel, steel, zinc, silver and manganese. That means that there are a finite number of these resources available and so we need to reuse them or eventually we will run out.
Additionally, recycling your batteries means that fewer resources are needed to mine, transport, or create for new materials. All of the processes involved mean increased emissions so by recycling you are helping to reduce these emissions.
All batteries can be recycled in some way, shape, or form. Recycling batteries means not only longer life for your devices but for our earth as well.
Recycling Different Types of Batteries
Not all batteries are as easily recyclable as others. You should conduct further research or contact our recycling company to learn how to best recycle your batteries.
Lead batteries are fairly easy to recycle across North America but nickel-cadmium batteries need to be isolated from other batteries and battery systems before being disposed of. Nickel-metal-hydride batteries can be disposed of (but not recycled) in standard household trash unless there are more than 10, in which case they need to be specially disposed of.
This just goes to show that for the safety of you and of the environment, it’s best to contact a specialized battery recycling program.
Local Battery Recycling
Battery recycling will vary by county and state. Call your local waste disposal to see if they will accept single-use batteries for recycling.
Many programs will have this feature for certain types of batteries. However, they may not be able to process bulk battery materials that come from large companies. In that case, it’s best to reach out to a specialized program that can deal with bulk battery recycling.
Mail-In Battery Recycling
Mail-in battery recycling programs mean that you don’t need to stress about figuring out where and when you can drop off batteries for recycling.
The process is fairly simple. Here’s how it works.
First, you’ll order your battery recycling kit. We’ll send you packing materials and include the shipping both ways.
Once you receive your kit, you’ll safely pack up all of your batteries. We send you very specific instructions so that you, the mail carrier, and our team is safe during this whole process.
When you’re packed and ready to go, simply drop off the package at FedEx or have them pick it up and we’ll take it from there!
Start Recycling Today
Now that you’ve got an idea of how the battery recycling process works and why you should do it, get started today!
Odds are strong that you have batteries lying around. Purchase your recycling kit today!